Wednesday, 24 June 2009

sow & reap

we reap what we sow.
we reap what we sow.
we reap what we sow.

what have you been sowing today???

Sunday, 21 June 2009

open for correction

One of the biggest problem that people are facing is being corrected! Instead of thinking it is a good thing because not only can we improve, we can be a better person...most people think that there is nothing wrong with them. Well, that is pride!

Pointing out what is wrong with us might seemed rude and hurtful in the beginning, but for a long-run, it isn't such a bad thing!

You only correct those you love, because you want to see them living a good life. So, if you are corrected today, then you're loved!

Sunday, 14 June 2009

summer movies

There are so many movies in summer that cannot be missed out! Firstly, Terminator Salvation! Then, there is Up, an animation. Final Destination 3. I remembered the first Final Destination, 10 years, time does flies!

Then, end of the year, there is the sequel of Twilight - New Moon! =)

Ah...Cant wait for exams to be over, then it'll be mega-movie marathon!

Thursday, 11 June 2009


I'm single, I'm single, take me! take me!

ahaha...a friend just got attached, happy for her!

Friday, 5 June 2009

wishing upon the stars

i wish you were never in my life!

I would always go an extra mile for you, but what I am to you? something disposible? leave me alone!

Looking back

15 years ago, I will never ever think this would all happen. What would my old self say or even think if I would to have a peek into future ...