Thursday 15 May 2008


I am starting Epidemiology class tomorrow. So, tonight has been rather relaxing for me. I watched a couple of movie yesterday and was great. Sometimes, it's not totally good to watch too much series or movies.

What you see, hear and read always gets into your thought. And what you think all the time, gets into your heart and you believe it. And out of the heart, the mouth speaks. So, got to be real careful of the things that you watch and read or even listens too. 

Tomorrow, some of my groupmates are going off for inter-university games. It was 3 years ago, during one of these games that I got my heart broken. It stil hurts even though the wound has already healed. Funny how I can hold on to stupid things in life....I keep telling myself, it's time to move on...and now, I can say, 100% of me is moving on. I dont want to live in the past because it hurts too much. Nobody can understand how much it hurts and how bad it had damaged me. Only God knows!

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Looking back

15 years ago, I will never ever think this would all happen. What would my old self say or even think if I would to have a peek into future ...