Friday 7 March 2008

happy birthday

it's my 23rd birthday today. last night i slept early, not to escape the fact they my friends are coming to celebrate. i was expecting them but i was too tired. i guess it's ok. it's the thought that counts!

during my sleep, there were sms coming in wishing me happy birthday til my inbox was full. of coure it wasnt as much as you think it is...because the max my inbox can contain is 24-25sms. anyway, i was in like a half awake half dreaming state and i sort of dreamt but also thought it was real that he smsed me and say that he loved me. haha..funny isnt it? and for that few hours, i really was very happy...i dreamt that he told me that he cared....

when i woke up, i realised it was all a dream. did i really wanted him to send me the sms? i thought i was over the whole thing....well, it was a sweet dream. in reality...i know for sure, i'm over it. no more strings attached!

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Looking back

15 years ago, I will never ever think this would all happen. What would my old self say or even think if I would to have a peek into future ...