Monday 28 April 2008


some poeple can be so irresponsible!!!! i cannot believe, even such a small thing as remembering to help submit ur team member name cannot be done, how can someone like that does great things?? it is not the first time submitting names to work together, it's like the 4th time and it has been 4 years. How selfish can one be, thinking of himself only.

I cannot believe, such a small thing, just asking the rest of the team members and submitting the name...even so, he can fail.

I am not sure if this is carelessness or revenge. What a 'small gas' person.

I really wonder, what leadership skill is there..if a small thing like this he can't even do properly, how can he do big things. Just taking care of a few people, only 2 persons, he failed to take care of their interest, how is he going to lead hundreds of people and care for their benefits!!

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Looking back

15 years ago, I will never ever think this would all happen. What would my old self say or even think if I would to have a peek into future ...